Trends in us study abroad 2022: Cost & conditions to study in the USA

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How much money do you need to study in the USA?

The United States is both the most popular destination in the world for international students and one of the top expensive education institutions. You can refer to this article for an overview of all the costs you will have to pay when choosing to study in the USA.

Expenditure 1: Student Visa
Starting June 26, 2020, the fee for the F and M international student visa will increase by 85% from 200 USD to 380 USD. And the visa fee for J-class international students will increase by 32% from 180 USD to 280 USD. The old fee schedule has been kept unchanged by the USA government since 2009, so this increase in prices is a suitable decision for the international student visa agency to be able to operate smoothly in the state of high cost such as The current.Study Abroad Logo

Expenditure 2: Air ticket
Depending on the departure location, the airline and the time of booking, the flight ticket price to the USA will vary. In general, air tickets to the USA are for 1 person and one-way flights at normal times will range from 650 USD – 950 USD. If you know how to plan and hunt for cheap tickets, you can absolutely save a lot of money on airline tickets.

Expenditure 3: Tuition
Tuition fees to study in the US will not have a specific number depending on factors such as study level, city of study, type of university and other aspects. In general, the more popular a university is, the more expensive the tuition fees will be. Public schools in the US are of course more affordable than private schools. If you choose to study at a Community College for 3 years, the tuition fee will definitely be less when studying a 5-year Bachelor program.

In addition to the tuition fee, you will have to pay additional fees such as textbooks and learning equipment. If the program requires an internship, you may have to pay an extra amount.

According to a report by the College Board, the average tuition fee for a 4-year Bachelor program at a public university in the US in the 2019-2020 school year is about 28,390 USD and the cost of books is about 1, 260 USD. You just multiply this number by 5 to estimate the tuition fees to spend for 5 years of college.

Expenditure 4: Housing
Housing costs for the course of studying in the USA will vary slightly depending on the type of accommodation you choose. In the USA, there are 5 types of housing that are popular for international students, including hostels, homestays and private housing. In which a dormitory is the most affordable option and renting a private house is the most expensive option.

Which city you choose to study in the USA will also affect the rent rate due to the difference in living standards in each place. If you choose to study in small towns, then surely the monthly rent will be much cheaper than the rent in busy cities.

Also according to the College Board, the average housing cost for a 4-year Bachelor at a public university that international students must pay in the 2019-2020 school year is about 16,180 USD

Expenditure 5: Living expenses
Some activities daily activities you have to pay during the study abroad process can be mentioned as travel, dining, entertainment, travel, … Depending on your needs and personal preferences, this fee will be able to very low or very high.

For prospective international students to refer to, the College Board also summarizes the travel cost of bachelor’s international students for the 2018-2019 school year is about 1,160 USD. Other costs are around $ 2,180.

Based on the College Board report, the average cost of international students studying for a Bachelor’s degree program per year is:
Tuition fees of $ 26,280.
Books and supplies 1,260 USD
Housing 11,160 USD
Travel 1,180 USD
Living expenses 2,180 USD
Total 61,980 USD

Plus visa fee and air ticket, you can estimate the average cost of studying in the US will be about 90,000 USD / year .


US Study Abroad 2022: Cost & conditions to study in the USA

Studying in the USA in 2021 is the desire of many students in the world, including our country. With the best teaching conditions, life is guaranteed with a high standard of living and many prestigious universities. However, to study abroad in the USA you need to meet the conditions.

So want to study in the USA need what? What are the conditions for studying in the US? How much does it cost to study abroad in the USA? … All these questions will be answered by our study abroad consulting company below.

Conditions for studying in the USA
To be able to study abroad in the USA, you need to meet the following conditions:

You must have an invitation letter for admission I-20 from USA schools
An I-20 is an admission letter, also known as a notice of admission to the school that you applied to study abroad. To be able to receive invitations from American schools, you must meet the individual admission criteria for each school. For high school study abroad in addition to reviewing transcripts, English certificates, extracurricular activities in the host country … you will also interview directly with the school representative before deciding whether to accept an I-20 or are not.

However, getting an I-20 at top USA schools will not be too difficult. According to the writer’s experience, in addition to the standard documents, the interview round will be the deciding factor for the grant of an I-20 admission letter. Therefore, they need to prepare well enough information and a strong and confident mentality to pass the round of evaluating the capacity of school representatives.

The I-20 will be one of the factors that will bring you a travel ticket to the United States. Besides Visa, this is an important, guaranteed paper for your admission in the USA. Please note that you must sign before submitting your I-20 to the Consulate to apply for a Visa, your signature is as meaningful as accepting the requirements and regulations of the school you are applying for and at the same time. This is your permission for the school to provide your necessary information to the immigration department.

You must prove your financial ability when studying in the USA,
Studying abroad in the USA is not an easy task, apart from the paperwork and requirements of the schools, another difficult issue is finance. This is an important issue to consider for a long time. Once you intend to study in the USA, you first need to have a detailed plan for the entire study process while studying in the US such as tuition fees, living expenses, books, travel, accommodation. . In addition, the cost of living in different regions is also different.

In general, the actual average cost for a year in college is $ 60,000 – $ 80,000. This total annual cost is expected to increase to about 9%. These are just the expenses during the time of studying in the USA, in addition, before that, each family must ensure proof of their family’s income and available assets in the bank or legal storage. other.

Depending on the tuition fees of each school you enroll in, your financial requirements will vary, but in general, schools require that your family’s bank account balance be larger than the tuition fees and living expenses for 1 to 3 years in the USA. This is a must for them to trust your family’s affordability.

In addition, the monthly (or annual, depending on consideration) income of the parent or sponsor must be within an acceptable limit to ensure the payment of tuition fees for you during the period. you study in America. In particular, in our country, the form of small businesses rarely uses books to record income, so proving this financial will face many difficulties. Therefore, the advice for those who want to study in the US is to pay attention to the issue of authenticating this property from the beginning and have a specific plan in advance.


You must obtain the required qualifications in English
Depending on different schools that have different requirements, usually TOEFL IBT (internet test) requires about 60-90 points to be assured or for TOEFL PBT (paper-based test), universities love The scale is from 500 to 550. For graduate programs, the score is usually from 560 to 700.There are many universities in the USA that accept IELTS scores, you need an IELTS score of 6.0 to study in university and IELTS 6.8 to study. Masters. Some schools also accept you if you have not yet earned your degree however it does require you to take the entrance exam of the school or take an English course organized by the school.

In addition, depending on the requirements of each school and each course, students may have to meet SAT, GRE, GMAT scores.

You must complete the standard exams of the required school.
For high school students, they do not need to take entrance exams. Often in these schools only require a GPA of (GPA> 9.0 is pretty stable) and high scores in tests like TOEFL english, EILTS, .. also would be advantageous

for the program University, graduate school, there are the following basic exams:
– GRE: Graduate Record Examination General Test (GRE General Test) GRE test scores are required by graduate programs not business. This test consists of 3 parts: Math, reading comprehension and logic analysis. This test score is especially important if you are planning to apply for a scholarship.

– GRE: Graduate Record Examination Subject Test Only a few graduate programs require students to take this test and usually only in the student’s major major. The test is available for 16 different disciplines.

– SAT I: Reasoning test Many USA universities require this test score for both American and international students. This test includes math and reading comprehension sections.

– SAT II: Subject Test Students can choose 1, 2 or 3 subjects in 20 different subjects. Only a few universities require foreign students to take this test.

– TOEFL (Test English As a Foreign Language): a compulsory English test for students whose first language is not English, applicable to both undergraduate and graduate students. The test applies to all skills: listening, grammar, reading comprehension, writing and vocabulary.

– GMAT: Graduate Management Admission Test. Most masters or doctoral programs in economics require this test score for both American and international students. This test tests reading comprehension, math and analysis, and reasoning. Because at the University level there will be higher requirements for students both in foreign languages ​​and thinking because they want to ensure that you can absorb the knowledge in the classroom.

You must meet the criteria to apply for a student visa in the USA
– Age 12 years or older

– Academic, transcripts from average above

– Have a continuous study or work process

– Have a bank account

– Have finance to pay tuition fees, and living expenses.

You can prove that you will return to your country after completing
the USA Visa Law stipulates that Consular Officers are entitled to see all non-immigrant visa applicants as those who intend to immigrate to until you can convince a Consular Officer that you didn’t mean it. This proof of coming back to Vietnam is related to your plans in the future after your studies are completed. Consular officer will use your declaration, related documents, and your plan after graduation to consider this.

For international students, USA consular officers need to see that your application for a USA student visa is not for spontaneous reasons or for some other reason, but because they want to really come. American learning. And this decision to apply to America is because they have a thorough understanding of the place they plan to go, the program they enrolled in …

In short, you need to prove to the consular officer. The perception that you currently have bonds in our country makes it impossible for you to have any other reason to stay in the USA such as: family relations (can not leave your father, mother, family in Vietnam), after After completing school, there will be a better future in our country if compared to staying in the USA (for example, when you finish studying, you will return to Vietnam to take over the family property, or you will have a career, a future. A better future is waiting in our country.

How much money does America need to study?
– Tuition: 3,800 USD-39,000 USD / year

The USA government does not issue general standards on tuition fees and therefore tuition fees will be determined by each school. Fees may vary depending on faculties within the school; depending on the needs and the subjects you study, …

In the USA, usually tuition fees will be based on the popularity of the school, the higher the school is ranked, the more tuition you have to pay, there are schools. up to 69,000 USD – 79,000 USD. In addition, the tuition fee is also estimated based on the type of school: public school, private school, community college or language school, …

You can refer to the fee below for tuition fees:

University system:
– Private school: 19,000 USD to 39,000 USD per year.

– Public schools: 18,000 USD to 29,000 USD / year

– Community colleges: 3,800 USD to 19,000 USD / year.

Postgraduate fees will also depend on the school, faculty, subject and a number of other factors. Some professional programs such as MBA (Master of Business Administration – Master of business administration), JD (Juris Doctor – Doctor of Law) or MD (Doctor of Medicine) usually tuition fees will be higher. with other Master and PhD programs.

Average tuition fees for Master’s programs:
– Public schools: about 28,975 USD / year

– Private schools: about 38,668 USD / year

Average tuition fees of PhD programs:
– Public schools: 32,969 USD

– Private schools: 46,028 USD

Costs Housing
When you live in a hostel, your amenities are “covered”, maybe even including meals. Cornell University, for example, costs USA $ 9,190 per academic year, with a single room that includes utilities; while Pennsylvania State University students only have to pay USA $ 2,595 / semester for a shared room and USA $ 3,069 for a two-room apartment (sharing bathroom).

Outsourcing prices depend on the type of home and the state in which you live as well as how far away it is from the city center. For example, if you can pay USA $ 1,880 / month for a studio apartment in New York, but for as little as $ 1,090 in the heart of Colorado.

Each state in the USA has its own public transportation system, with different fees. Usually the campuses are located far from the city center, so you will have to use these vehicles every day. Travel expenses will range from 380 USD – 790 USD for 1 year. Here are a few small comparisons for you to imagine this cost:

New York one-way subway or bus: USA $ 2.90

– Unlimited Ride MetroCard per month in New York (with student discounts): US $ 96

– Utah train, bus or tram ticket: US $ 2.90

– Utah student 30-day pass: US $ 62.79

– City Pass for students, one semester, in Philadelphia: US $ 327.69

Fees other
In addition to the key issues that cannot be ignored. The following expenses are also quite significant.

+ Costs of books and learning tools are about 908 USD – 1,209 USD for 1 year.

+ Telephone charges are about 609 USD for 2 year.

+ School uniforms range from 508 USD for 3 year.

+ Health insurance premium 358 USD-508 USD for 1 person within 1 year.

+ Personal expenses (Entertainment, shopping, laundry, …): 2,590 USD for 1 year

In general, the cost of both tuition and living expenses 1 year to study in the US ranges from about 15,800 USD – 56,000 USD.

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